My name is Emily Walsh– I studied psychology and studio art at Bard College in upstate New York and I’m currently a 4th year doctoral student in UNC’s clinical psychology program working under the mentorship of Dr. Anna Bardone-Cone on projects related to eating disorders and body image. My research explores the complex relationships between sex, sexuality, and body image, with emphasis on how these relationships are situated within and influenced by intersecting systems of power/oppression. I’m pursuing coursework through the CBPR certificate to interrogate how my position within the academy affects my research approaches, to challenge the methodological traditions within which I have been trained, and to help shape the methods of a qualitative dissertation on body image and sexual experiences of individuals across gender, race, and sexuality spectra. In addition to my research endeavors, I train as a therapist at a free outpatient mental health clinic serving under- and uninsured community members (SHAC) and work as the intake coordinator and therapist through the UNC Clinical Psychology Community Clinic. I love so many things, including walking and running daily by the Eno, dancing, making art, watching movies, being with friends, and seeing live music!
Emily Walsh
Department of Clinical Psychology, PhD Student