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Two students enrolled in the core class are smiling while sitting at a table.Two people smiling at each other in a field, outside of a building. Both people are involved in the core class and one is holding a handful of papers.

GEOG 804/ANTH 898:  Decolonizing Methodologies

Spring 2024: Thursdays, 3:30-6:00pm with Dr. Gabriela Valdivia & Dr. Patricia McAnany

Decolonizing Methodologies is the core required course for UNC’s Graduate Certificate in Participatory Research. The course uses readings, discussion, and workshop techniques to critically engage political and epistemological questions related to knowledge production, to explore the promise of participatory methodologies, and to introduce the politics, problems, and practice of engaged research. The commitment to democratizing research and the importance of respect for the knowledge, understandings and values of the community are emphasized throughout the course. Different means of ensuring community input into the steps of the research, and of increasing the value of the research for the community will be explored. Students will spend the final portion of the class developing and workshopping their own participatory research projects.


Due to the popularity of this seminar, a few years ago we instituted an application process to ensure enrolled GCPR students the opportunity to secure a seat. No student can register themselves for this course. The application process for Spring 2024 has now closed. If you have questions about seat availability for this semester, please email the course instructors.
The course application for the Spring 2025 offering of Decolonizing Methodologies will open late Fall of 2024. Please check back then for the application link and instructions.
*Please note that the course number will change each spring to align with the departments of each instructor. Please contact if you have any questions or trouble enrolling.