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School of Nursing, PhD Student, RN

My name is Abigail (she/her/hers), and I am a second-year PhD student in the School of Nursing at UNC-CH. In 2017 I earned my Associate’s Degree of Science in Nursing from Georgia State University-Perimeter College in Clarkston, GA and in 2018 I completed a BSN through the RN-BSN online program at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Life experiences have been primary drivers in my professional exploration of the most stigmatized areas of health care: harm reduction, substance use and misuse, abortion access, HIV prevention, and incarceration. My research interests are at the intersection of sexual and reproductive justice for those with a his(hers)tory in the criminal legal system. For my dissertation work I plan to focus on qualitative interviews to uplift the voices of those with lived experiences of postpartum discontinuation from medication for opioid misuse while incarcerated. Outside of schoolwork, I am a single mother to an amazing teenager who keeps me on my toes and for self-care and alone time, I enjoy making bonfires, hunting four-leaf clovers, and spending time in the woods.